Career-Life Situation


I'm Constantly Stressed Out

Psychologists say we are happiest when we see the evidence of our accomplishments. Yet most of what we see at home or at work are neverending tasks and demands. The people around us are not going to change, so we’ll do the changing.


An engineering group struggled with ongoing stress. It seemed they could never finish a job on time. Then the supervisor redefined their process. Instead of trying to immediately please the latest customer that showed up, engineers followed the job priority established by the manager. The change of focus helped them accomplish each job, and thus experience that gratifying sense of completion.


How do you do that in your career, and in other parts of your life? Recognize your Value-Added Outputs and complete them. As a bonus, you’ll become aware of the real value you bring to the company, and you'll have a method to continually prove that value.


 Here’s how to use the Meaningful Competence strategy to do that.



No more working towards, at best, vague expectations. Now you’ll know when you’ve produced a valued output, and how many valued outputs you’ve produced within a given time. You'll know when you've improved. If you've been successful implementing the guidance, you and your supervisor will agree on the value you're producing. And that will feel great.






What You’ll Want

How the VidBook Helps

A new definition of what value is.
In the foundation sections, 12, and 3, you learn a valuable output approach that is better than merely working hard.

A solid definition of what real value looks like.

The section Your Real Value Determines Your Career differentiates between perceived value and real value.  

Clarity on how you’re connected to the company results.

The section Identify Relevant Business Results identifies how to clarify your connection with company results.

A method to build and display the real value you bring to your job.

The section Make Your Value Measurable moves you from trying to meet unclear expectations to producing measurable Value-Added Outputs.

A process to remind you of your value.

The section Stay Relevant helps you keep your value in front of your eyes and in view of your supervisor and his team.





  • Build a new skill! Use the guidance given in the section Leverage to Increase Competence. This effort will get you ready to quickly build new skills when you get that next job.

Why are these called Career-Life Situations?


If you're happy in a job, it shows in all other parts of your life. So if you're not satisfied with your job, it's unlikely you'll be satisfied with your life.


The Meaningful Competence strategy develops your real value for your job. That real value can help you know and build your value in other parts of your life.

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